Un nuovo aggiornamento per Minecraft


a cura di Raxias

4J Studios ha pubblicato le note ufficiali del nuovo update (patch 1.14) dedicato alle versioni PlayStation e Xbox di Minecraft. Grazie a questo aggiornamento vengono risolti diversi problemi del gioco e viene aumentato il limite del minecart, ecco le note complete in inglese: More Redstone fixes.Increased minecart limit.Stopped tamed horses despawning when they are in a fenced-off area.Crafting a map now produces an Empty Map.Fixed a crash with a Noteblock.Fixed an issue with village generation.Fixed an issue with Witch Huts allowing other mobs to spawn in them after a reload.Fixed an issue where Blaze Spawners and Chests don’t appear in the Nether after a Nether Reset.Fixed a crash with Minecarts travelling through Nether Portals.Fixed a problem causing clouds to look 2D (PS Vita only)