Overgrowth si aggiorna: ecco il changelog della versione Alpha 200


a cura di Alexander

Wolfire Games ha reso noti i cambiamenti introdotti dalla nuova versione alpha 200 del suo titolo d’azione Overgrowth
. Tra le novità e le caratteristiche introdotte, due nuovi costumi da coniglio, animazioni inedite legate alla spada, alla corsa e alla parata degli attacchi nemici. A seguire pubblichiamo il changelog completo in inglese. Il gioco è in sviluppo per PC, Mac e Linux; uscirà in data ancora da annunciare, mentre sul sito dello sviluppatore sono già attivi i preordini al costo di 29.95 $.Overgrowth Alpha 200 Changelog:– 2 new rabbit models with 3 textures each – characters can have unique base morphs – arena progress is saved between games – improved passive blocking during sword fights – alternate close-range stances for swordfighting – added additional slash attack animation for small swords – small sword stance always has dominant hand forwards – new sword throw animation – updated run and walk animations – customizable blood amount and color – fixed bug with sheathing knives while injured – fixed gladiator campaign button to use new arena – GPU skinning disabled by default – choking does not cause bleeding – added a grace period after round ends before being disqualified for further attacks – swapping characters with number keys randomizes color palette – fixed problem with throws cancelling impact effects – alternate close-range stances for swordfighting- can parry thrown items if hands are full – starting to test out 4-player shared-screen mode – capped 1v1 camera rotation speed – ported to SDL2 (should improve Linux/Mac fullscreen and resizing) – improved field of view for really wide or tall screens – improved skinning weights for all characters – updated angelscript to 2.26.3 – fixed problem with angelscript Object.GetRotation function on Linux – re-enabled Linux character LOD – tintable civilian texture