Ati Catalyst 9.5: Ufficializzati


a cura di Sidmarko

Sono ufficialmente disponibili i driver Catalyst 9.5 per schede video Ati. La notizia era già apparsa Venerdì scorso, ma solo ora è resa ufficiale, con le note a corredo delle migliorie apportate. Per quanto riguarda le prestazioni, ci sono incrementi massimi intorno al 10% rispetto ai precedenti driver.Queste le note fornite a corredo dei nuovi driver:Performance improvements– Unigine Tropics DX9 – performance gains of up to 11% for single GPU and ATI CrossFireX™ configurations with anti-aliasing enabled. – Company of Heroes – performance gains of up to 10% for both single GPU and ATI CrossFireX™ configurations. – BattleForge– performance gains of up to 10% for ATI CrossFireX™ configurations. New FeaturesATI Catalyst™ 9.5 – Unified Microsoft WHQL certified graphics driver for Windows 7 and Windows Vista- AMD has delivered a single unified graphics driver that has received WHQL certification for both Windows 7 and Windows Vista o Meeting Microsoft’s WHQL certification requirements in the ATI Catalyst 9.5 driver for Windows 7 clearly demonstrates AMD’s focus and determination to deliver an extremely stable and robust Windows 7 experience on AMD’s ATI Radeon Graphics accelerators- Delivers full WDDM 1.1 WHQL certified support under Windows 7 on the ATI Radeon HD 4000 Series, ATI Radeon HD 3000 Series, and ATI Radeon HD 2000 Series of productsATI Stream™ – ATI Video encoder update o ATI Catalyst 9.5 resolves a number of issues previously seen in the ATI Video Converter and is supported under Windows Vista 32-bit and Windows Vista 64-bit o Using ATI Stream technology, owners of ATI Radeon™ HD 4800 Series and ATI Radeon™ HD 4600 Series of graphics cards can take advantage of this video conversion tool (found in ATI Catalyst™ Control Center Basic View) to achieve substantial performance improvements when transcoding video files

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