Il MMO APB Reloaded aggiornato alla versione 14: in arrivo nuovi contenuti free


a cura di Alexander

Reloaded Productions ha annunciato che APB Reloaded
, il MMO free-to-play con più di tre milioni di utenti registrati, si aggiorna alla versione 14, che porta con sè una serie di nuovi contenuti gratuiti e packs a pagamento esclusivi disponibili tramite Steam.A seguire, in inglese, le novità gratuite della versione 14:- Two new contacts, Aletta & Gumball in the Financial District – they extend the game’s high level progression by 20 more levels· Radar tower car mod – Highlights enemies on your radar that pass near your vehicle· Blowtorch weapon – Heals damage done to your vehicle, burns enemies· Remote Detonator car mod – Just like it says. Push the button, car goes boom.· Muffler car mod – Keeps your vehicle off radar while you coast· High Burn Point Fuel car mod – Being near your car if and when it explodes causes it to hurt less· Flare gun weapon – Previously only available via Joker Distribution, now available via progression.· Additional slot unlocks – for clothing, themes, songs, and vehicles Ecco i bundles a pagamento acquistabili tramite il APB Marketplace:· Rocker Outfit· TAS20 Shotgun· Vegas G20 ‘Rhino’ Muscle Car and Body Kit Questi, invece, i packs a pagamento disponibili su Steam: – New Blood Pack ($9) A starter kit to get new players up and running, with 14 days each of Premium, the ACT44 handgun, and the NFAS shotgun (the ultimate spray and pray weapon) · Key to the City Pack ($99) The ultimate collection of permanent cars, guns, gear, designs, and emotes.