Call Of Cthulhu: La prima patch introduce alcune novità

Immagine di Call Of Cthulhu: La prima patch introduce alcune novità

a cura di Antonello Buzzi

Senior Staff Writer

Cyanide ha pubblicato la prima patch per la versione PC di Call Of Cthulhu.

Stando alle note di rilascio, questo aggiornamento introduce la possibilità di modificare FOV e Motion Blur, oltre a risolvere una serie di bug riscontrati dagli utenti.

Ecco il changelog completo:

Call of Cthulhu First Patch Release Notes
  • Added options to modify FOV and Motion Blur
  • Added a scroll bar in the graphics menu to include these new options
  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to progress in Chapter 12, due to dying immediately upon respawn
  • Fixed a number of cases where players would be unable to leave scene reconstructions
  • Fixed an issue where mouse input was not registered during dialogue
  • Fixed an issue where cutscenes wouldn’t trigger, preventing players from progressing
  • Fixed display issues with 4:3 and 16:10 resolutions in the diary and during dialogue
  • Various minor bug fixes

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Fonte: DSOG