Ecco a cosa è servita la beta di Gears of War: Ultimate Edition


a cura di Raxias

Molti giocatori hanno partecipato all’open beta di Gears of War: Ultimate Edition, fornendo utili indicazioni al team di sviluppo sui problemi da risolvere prima del lancio. The Coalition ha pubblicato l’elenco delle correzioni più significative che verranno fatte nelle prossime settimane grazie alle segnalazioni degli utenti:Multiple fixes and tuning for the Gnasher ShotgunMultiple fixes for Frag Grenades, Boomshot, and Torque BowTuning for footstep audio and other sounds around a playerKing of the Hill improvements, including ability for The Coalition to adjust more settings for competitive playRemoved active down from Active Reloaded Longshot sniper rifle and added/tuned active bonus for sniper bloom/aimBug fixes and tuning for skill-based matchmakingTuned red/blue colours for team shaders (Locust/COG)Improved look of blood and gore in gameplayImproved game performance to reduce screen tearingBug fixes and tuning for Controller Sensitivity SettingsVarious bug fixes on maps, weapons, matchmaking, audio, and controls